cool in the pool that is! We found this really cool water park called Bedford Splash and it is great for toddlers! The girls LOVED it! We lasted a couple of hours--smoothered in SPF 100. Summer is officially here in Texas with high temps so we will be frequent visitors to Splash this summer. Nothing really too new and exciting except that I had my very first trip away without the babies--Dave and I drove to Austin--with the top down in the convertable :) and spent 3 days having a fabulous time exploring the wonderful city, swimming, drinking cocktails and checking out neighborhoods...Dave is applying for a job there so it is a possibility that we might be moving to Austin this Fall. I could totally see us living there--it is so friggin awesome!! Dave also has an interview in Philadelphia next week so that is another possibility. I love Fort Worth but I feel that it has been a stepping stone for somwhere new...and I'm ready!!
jonah rockin' the xylophone
6 years ago
1 comment:
now I want to take them to change, yake them in the shower to wash of the chlorine and make their , tight, tiny bodie feel sooooo good, dry them off paying "extra" attention to the "special" spot between their legs mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm I love it very yung
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