I could never do that...

is usually my internal response when people tell me what they are doing in terms of physical fitness. A few friends are runners and complete marathons, some are yogis, some amazing surfers, and long distance bike riders. I am pretty much a couch potato with 50 lbs of leftover twin pregnancy weight. I have very little energy and even have felt a bit depressed. So when a friend invited me to join her in her tennis lesson I jumped at the chance. After 1 hour of tennis drills I felt awesome...exhausted but had such a good time. I signed up for lessons for every Thursday :) I later on saw a brochure for a training program called 9 to 5--a 5k in 9 weeks and immediately called and signed up! Up for training every Saturday morning for a 6 am walk/run with a group of about 30. It was exhilarating!! I'm a runner now :) So I will be running my first 5k on November 25th for the Turkey Trot!!

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