first ice cream cone, first really bad hair day, first trip to the playground. It's been a busy month! The girls are such a joy...they are turning into little girls so quickly I jsut can't believe it. Lily is now walking and is having a wonderful time enjoying this new freedom. She is still a little wobbly but is turning into a real pro :) We also started our music class at TCU and they LOVED it!! It is fun getting out and meeting other toddlers. I don't know if any of you out there are looking for a good book to read but I just started reading a great one called "The Tower, the Zoo, and the Tortoise". I'm on a roll with finding good book lately! I also loved "The Help" and "The Forgotten Garden". I am seriously addicted to my makes finding books and buying them a little too easy :)
jonah rockin' the xylophone
6 years ago
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