poor baby Emma...

she was up most of the night crying...but it was a wierd cry--different like she was in pain. We thought maybe she was teething. Luckily we had a 8 a.m. doctors appt for shots so off we went with a very grumpy baby in tow. When we checked in I noticed she felt very hot--sure enough--she had a 101 temp. Needless to say we did not do shots but left with the diagnosis of a ear infection. My poor, sweet baby girl. She is very grumpy and in pain. Hopefully the antibotics will work quickly and we will see her smile again soon. I have posted a picture of both girls--emma has a cool washcloth on her head and Lily is in her new exercisor--she loves it!!

1 comment:

Holly said...

So sorry Emma isn't feeling well. I hope the meds kick in soon!

Give her kisses from aunt Holly :-)